
What is Conjunctiva ?

Conjunctiva is thin transparent skin across the front of the eye, lining the white sclera.

When it gets inflammed its called Conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is a term  commonly used to usually describe some form of ” infectious” conjunctivitis,  also called as “Pink Eye “. 

viral conjunctivitis
Clinical image of Mild Adenoviral Conjunctivitis
Clinical Image Conjunctivitis more evident on looking down and lifting up the Upper Eyelid

Infectious Conjunctivitis could be caused due to  viruses or bacteria.

But Conjunctivitis could also be Non Infectious  for example –Allergic Conjunctivitis.

conjunctivitis swelling of eyelids
Conjunctivitis can also cause puffiness of the eyelids around the affected eye