
Pterygium – is a abnormal conjunctival growth , typically described as a fleshy wing shaped .(In hindi its called as “nakhuna ” or “veil ” in gujarati.)

Pterygium is pronounced as “Terry – Jium “

It can be of various shapes and sizes and if it advances over the cornea it can obstruct the vision as well.

Recurrent Pterygium
Recurrent Pterygium
Recurrent Pterygium

Pterygium treatment or Pterygium Surgery 

All Pterygiums are not the same and all pterygiums do not require surgery.

The treatment is best decided by your corneal surgeon after examination and also discussing the symptoms faced by patient related to pterygium.

There are many advanced sutureless pterygium surgeries also possible nowadays which provide excellent cosmesis and almost nil recurrence.

Pic 1: Pterygium Before Surgery
pterygium excellent cosmesis after surgery
Pic 2: After Surgery - Clinical Picture of eye in Pic 1 after surgery with sutureless conjunctival autograft with fibrin glue

At Dr Nagpal’s Centre for Cornea, Ahmedabad, Gujarat  we have many years of experience of treating various advanced and recurrent pterygiums ( pterygium’s which have recurred after just simple removal surgery ( older technique) , which are referred to us by eye surgeons across the state. 

As you can see in the pictures above, for us it’s not just about removal of pterygium, it is also about striving for the the best cosmesis and eye movements. We put in a lot of time and effort in dealing with this eye condition. We also use conjunctival autografts from the same eye , amniotic membrane grafts and sutureless techniques wherever possible to offer a smooth and quick recovery for our patients. A full final good cosmetic result is usually seen after 2 months of the surgery. 

Before your surgery, Dr Ashish Nagpal shall  personally discuss in detail with you about the type of pterygium and what would be the best surgical approach and best cosmetic outcome possible.